What we do
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Guanacaste Community Fund
About Us
The Guanacaste Community Fund (GCF) is a non-profit association founded to support community and grassroots organizations in the province of Guanacaste. It was created in 2014 by the CRUSA Foundation as a pilot project to introduce the community foundation model to Costa Rica. In 2019 it became an independent organization, with headquarters in the community of Hojancha.
The FCG serves as a bridge between donors, aid agencies and institutions and the communities of Guanacaste. Its mission is to:
Empower organizations, leaders, and communities in Guanacaste through the mobilization of resources and cooperation between sectors and cultures
It works through three programs:
- Fundraising and making small matching donations in support of community organizations and their projects.
- Creation and facilitation of alliances to address complex problems or regional issues that transcend communities.
- Strengthening of community organizations through accompaniment, training, interchanges, and facilitating contacts and resources.
The Guanacaste Community Fund receives tax deductible donations in Costa Rica and the United States to support our work and community organizations.
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